Pak Suzuki Installment Plan has 0% Markup for Bikes

Pak Suzuki Installment Plan has 0% Markup for Bikes

Over the past year, overall sales in the auto sector have declined drastically amid rising inflation and current economic conditions.

This has caused the auto-companies to increase their prices multiple times in hopes to stay solvent but this has been at the cost of sales. Companies like Toyota have come up with special offers in hopes to boost sales and Suzuki is doing the same for their bikes.

They are offering customers an installment plan to buy their bikes with a 0% markup with an installment period of 3 years.

You can see the installment plan below:

Model Engine  PriceInstallment PlanDown Payment (PKR)Installment (PKR)Last Month Installment
GR 150150 cc         273,00024 months  54,600 (20%) /
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Texte additionnel sur le thème de la médecine
81,900 (30%)
9100 /  80009100 / 7100
GD 110S110 cc 172,00024 months34,400 (20%) / 51,600 (30%)5750 / 50505350 / 4250
GS 150150 cc 182,00024 months36,400 (20%) / 54,600 (30%)6100 / 5350   5300 /4350
GS 150 SE150 cc 199,000  24 months39,800 (20%) / 59,700 (30%)  6650 / 58506250 /4750
GIXXER 150SF BLUE150 cc 549,00012 months / 36 months274,000 (50%) / 109,800 (20%)22,900 / 12,20022,600 / 12,200
GIXXER 150SF Red/Black150 cc539,00012 months/ 36 months269,500 (50%) / 107,800 (20%)22,500 / 12,00022000 / 11,200